25 December 2011


second post for this night. yes. kawan. ramai kawan memang best. tapi jangan sisihkan kawan yang lame. oke. statement tuh memang elok. but. sisih. oke. terase. and yes. i'm not the good person. tak layak kot nak dipanggil kawan. and yes. bukan nak sisih. but. oke. pendek cerite. nobody's perfect. no offend. kalau terase pasal this entry i'm so sorry. but. i think yang my blog takde ramai yang tahu. so that. takde la public sangat kan. well. bukan nak cakap aku ni baek. but. rasenye ramai kawan-kawan aku takde yang aku sisihkan. and yes. ade yang lost contact tu. laen la ceritenye. but. everything memang friends first la kan. and yes. kalau ade orang yang terase macam aku menyisihkan dirinye tu. sile la. jangan malu-malu bagi tahu. and yes. aku memang dari sekolah dah jadik tempat luahan perasaan. but. listen hear. it's normal bile korang cerite your own story and i'm get mad about it. yela. kau kan membe aku. mustahil aku tak bengang kalau kau diperlakukan macam tu. oke. aku bukan tak puas hati. but. ntah. and yes. aku admit aku buat entry ni dengan penuh perasaan yang bercampo. so. faham sendiri if my word is harsh. i'm sorry again. listen. kalau aku tak layan or what so ever. please don't assume that yang aku ni dah lupe kawan pulak. oke. my words are very harsh and i really meant it. sekarang aku still boleh dengar ape pun luahan hati korang. and yes. i promise that aku akan dengar je. no more advice would comes out from my mouth again. never again. why? because aku pun bukan elok. everything yang aku advice pun belom tentu aku sendiri akan buat. so. conclusion. aku akan dengar but no more advice. i'm sorry. rasenye entry ni banyak say sorry right. orang cakap say sorry tak salah kalau betul niat nak mintak maaf. listen here. right after this. aku tempat meluahkan perasaan je. sangat dialu-alukan bagi sape yang nak meluahkan perasaan yang tak puas hati and what so ever. for your information. lepas 3 hari balek melake, dalam hati aku dah takde words dendam. it's up to you all nak decide lfe you all macam mane. and yes. sebagai kawan aku support from back je. takde hak pun nak halang ape yang korang nak rase, fikir, buat and seangkatannye. fullstop.

p/s:sorry kalau sesape terase with my words.
tapi setiap orang ade hak meluahkan kan?
aku takde tempat nak meluahkan.
so.this blog jadik my tempat.
at least tak la sake sangat kan.

kalau suke LIKE ye.Photobucket

24 December 2011


peeps. mesti pelik right. yes.this entry is about soulmate. haaa? my soulmate? naaaa. not going to talk about my soulmate la dude. just want to share something about what i'm thinking right now. and yes of course. mase dolu-dolu pun sy dah thought about it. guess what. soulmate tu exist. but yet. ye la. kite bukan tau pun that particular person that we met is our soulmate right? bukannye ade cop on their forehead tulis our name. kan? hahahaha. so funny if that thing happens. kan? okay. dah merapu. back to our topic. guess what. during my school time tu kan. i always thinking. how come two different genders. oke. oke. women and men. how come la both of them bole together for a long period of time without separating. yela. i always fikir. macam mane my mom boleh tahan with my dad behaviour and live together with my dad? and vice versa. cube you all fikir. both of them tak pernah bored ke ek? yeah i know. tu kuase Tuhan. oke. back to the main topic. as what i can see. mase couple everything is beautiful. but yet. if they claim that they had found their soulmate, how come they must be separated? how come people divorced? everything happens always ade hikmahnye right? know what. i just wonder how come for some of my friend could have a relationship yang sometime tahan for years. yelah. when i'm ask, they will said that they only have 2 or 3 ex boyfie je. haiyak. just wonder. they had their relationship at least 5 years before they separated. and why they are now separated? yes. maybe they all takde jodoh. ayat yang paling cliche yang always heard from those who had couple for a long time and they had to separate because of stupid things. ape stupid things to? ye la. like this. "you are too good for me." , "my mom said that i'm not ready yet to have a partner in my life." , "my mom ask me to focused on my study first." kan cliche tu. while mine, haih. for the longest time ever hanye 1 and half years sahaje. but tu dolu-dolu je la. and yes. now. alhamdulillah. my relationship is bertahan until now. yeah! gigih kan? so, now. baru i realize macam mane their relation boleh long lasting. yeah!there's no specific answer for that question. yes. sendiri mau faham la kan. so, tak perlu tanye. okay. listen. memang nak jumpe our own soulmate tu payah. but at least. try la. appreciate what ever yang ade right infront depan mate kite. tak salah pun kan. tak rugi ape pun. at least. we are trying. takde la later if we separated kite menyesal plak kan. at least kite dah try untuk membahagiekan our partner even kejap. so. korang pun dah besar right? sendiri boleh pilih jalan masing-masing. i just can wish all the best je. n_n

kalau suke LIKE ye.Photobucket

20 December 2011


curi-curi post this entry mase kelas. teruk kan? hahahaha. someone ask me for give some times for him/her to get her/his self ready. so, what do you think? takpe la. saye kan baek. bagi mase sebanyak mane yang diperlukan olehnye. yeah!!!!! amek la. sehari, seminggu, sebulan setahun... sampai bile-bile pun tak pe. amek. amek. geram!!! ye memang. semue orang memerlukan mase untuk berfikir. ikot suke la ye. nak mase berape lame pun. terime kasih.

kalau suke LIKE ye.Photobucket

01 December 2011


sekarang. tak tahu nak conteng ape dalam blog ni. banyak cerite yang nak diceritekan tapi. tak mampu nak cerite. sebab. sekarang bukan mase untuk bercerite tentang perkare yang remeh temeh ni. mungkin. laen hari. saye update.

just want to remind myself and my readers. take a good care of our heart. it might broken once we left it to the wrong person. as you know. our heart bukan barang mainan. not like once broken consider sold. yeah. so. just take a good care of it while it still in a good condition. but in this situation, i think a lot of girl out there have at least once in a life time to feel how hard it is when our heart is broken. and i agree if there's also have some guys who admit it.

if you don't want others hurt you that much so it's better if you don't do it. because you already know how hard it is to be in that situation.

*credit to mr.google.

p/s:every heart  have their own limit to be broken.

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